Paul Revere Lodge # 205, F&AM
Established in Othello, Washington in 1915
(206) 659-6533
(206) 659-6533
44 W Main St
P.O. Box 2832
Othello WA United States 99344
Interested in Freemasonry?
Stated Meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. with dinner at 6:30 pm Lodge holds fellowship meetings/ special meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month usually beginning at 6:30 pm. Please watch our Facebook page and Twitter feed for upcoming programs. Lodge is dark during the months of July and August.
Lodge is at 44 W Main St in Othello, Washington. Parking and entrance are to the rear of the building that sit on the northwest corner of the intersection of W Main St & N Broadway.
As every member of Freemasonry must profess a belief in a "Supreme Being" we encourage each brother to have a strong relationship with their creator.
Through educational programs and presentations we show by example that "Hope springs eternal" Â Through making ourselves better men we find hope ever-present in our lives.
Though lodges are not "Charitable Organizations" in the truest definition, we strive to support programs in our communities and provide an example to each of our Brothers to give of themselves personally and financially to worthy causes.
Why Paul Revere Lodge # 205?
Paul Revere Lodge # 205 was granted dispensation to meet in April of 1914 and was Chartered in June of 2015. At the time, our lodge was mostly comprised of railroad employees as the Old Milwaukee Road passed right through town across the street from where the lodge met. As the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project was completed and water was brought in to expand agricultural opportunities, Othello and those around it began to grow and thrive. Our lodge was dedicated to making the generations of men that passed through the West Gate into better, Husbands, Fathers and Citizens.
Today, the members of Paul Revere Lodge come from all over Adams County, Washington. While they are still committed to making better men in their communities, they also take pride in supporting educational opportunities throughout Adams County with scholarships, classroom grants and "Bikes for Books" reading programs in the elementary schools.
Welcome to Paul Revere Lodge # 205
Paul Revere Lodge # 205 F&AM is the Masonic Lodge in Othello, Washington within the jurisdiction of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Washington, the world's oldest/largest fraternity.